Sunday, October 23, 2011


Okay, so I don't usually do more than one post a day. To be honest, I usually only post once a week or once every two weeks...

However, I just wanted to say SORRY about my TERRIBLE grammar. I never read through my posts before sending them. One that I am really embarrassed about is when I wrote 'Counsel' not 'Council'. True dork right here.
So, if you find an error, have a laugh and remember the fact that I never proof read my posts. I promise I'll proof read when my life gets less hectic.

Well now that I have made this post I may as well share a couple of photo's from an amazing camp I got to lead at! The best I have ever lead at. God grew me as a leader so much and I got to see God's power in great measures. My whole cabin came to Christ, I got to pray with people who felt the Holy Spirit for the first time and I got to sow seeds into some of the most precious girls! It was beautiful stuff. God's glory was lifted high to a great level. Praise God for His power and love that is steadfast, true and worth it all!

OH, and another important announcement... 62 DAYS UNITL CHRISTMAS!
I am so excited to spend time with my lovely family and Thomas' beautiful family this christmas! This Christmas is going to be ever so special. I can't wait to have a Kiwi and an American Christmas in one! Boom. Best of both worlds.


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